Reading List

Following are a few book suggestions that have been well-received by both doctors and patients. Please note that while books can provide excellent background information on thyroid dysfunction, they might not reflect the latest medical guidelines and best practices issued by medical associations like the American Thyroid Association (ATA) and European Thyroid Association (ETA). In particular, the ATA guidelines for the diagnosis and management of hyperthyroidism were updated in 2016 and the guidelines around pregnancy and thyroid dysfunction were updated in 2017.

Ain, Kenneth & M. Sara Rosenthal
The Complete Thyroid Book. McGraw-Hill Education 2010

Garber, Jeffrey R.
Harvard Medical School Guide to Overcoming Thyroid Problems.  McGraw-Hill, 2005

George, Jake & Patterson, Nancy
Graves’ Disease: In Our Own Words.  Cocoa Beach, FL:  Blue Note Publications, 2002 (2012 – in revision)

Graves' Orbitopathy, A Multidisciplinary Approach - Questions and Answers
Editor(s): Wiersinga, W.M. (Amsterdam); Kahaly, G.J. (Mainz)
3rd, revised and expanded edition: 2017

If you enjoyed the GDATF's patient bulletin “What's Wrong With Me? I'm Not Myself Anymore”, then you won't want to miss the sequel! “A survey study of neuropsychiatric complaints in patients with Graves’ disease: A reassessment of self-reported symptoms and current practice 20 years later” is now available as an e-manuscript that is free with Kindle Unlimited or $2.99 with Amazon. Many thanks to Dr. James Arruda for conducting this important research - and for donating 70% of the proceeds to the GDATF!