Graves’ Disease – Eyelid Surgery
The inflammation that occurs with Graves’ disease can cause severe scarring of the muscles in the eyelids and extra fat and tissue deposits which cause the eyelids to be puffy…
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Correction of Protrusion of the Eye (Exophthalmos) Once the inflammatory phase of Graves’ disease has subsided, the person may be unfortunately left with some residual changes, such as eye protrusion,…
Read MoreGraves’ Ophthalmopathy – What Is It?
Graves’ disease is a frequent eye structure disorder. In 1835 Robert Graves described three patients, who had bulging eyes (exophthalmos) associated with thyroid gland enlargement (diffuse goiter), overactive thyroid gland…
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Graves’ disease is a condition that, in part, affects the eyelids and tissue behind the eye in people who have had a thyroid disorder. The name Graves is simply the…
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